Monday, June 23, 2014

The Tipping Question

Should you tip a Massage Therapist? If so, why and how much?

So let's be honest. Massage can be pricey. Depending on where you go you can figure to pay anywhere from $50- $100 or more for an hour long massage. Why should you tip on top of that? Also, why is massage so expensive?

The answer is: it depends. Not very helpful I know. But here are a few reasons for the whys and hows of paying and tipping for massage. 

There are three major ways of working as a Massage Therapist. 

1. Self-employed/ sole owner
        100% of the massage price goes to the therapist.
       However, this means that all expenses are the therapist/owners responsibility. Rent, equipment, supplies, continuing education, etc. are all part of what dictates the price charged for the massage. The type of bodywork being done and level of experience of the therapist can also affect the price. 

2. Independent Contractor 
        Therapists are paid on commission. Typical rate is 50% of the massage rate. The therapists responsibilities can vary. Sometimes all equipment and supplies are supplied. Sometimes linens, oils, and marketing are the therapists responsibility. Unless it is a Therapist owned office, or large franchise the therapists are most likely IC.  

3. Franchise/ Employee status
        Therapists are paid an hourly rate for each massage performed. The typical rate is $15 for each hour long massage. If the therapist has a day with no massages they are paid minimum wage (kind of like how wait staff are paid). The therapist does not have to provide any supplies or equipment.

         Massage rates are partially dictated by the type of business in which the therapist works. The larger business can afford to charge less but that means the therapists earn less. The single therapists offices may take home the full 100% but have greater overhead. There is a level of variation in all of these options. There are also some situations, such as Doctor's offices, where tips cannot be accepted. If you are unsure of the tipping policy, just ask.  

          If you decide to tip how much should you leave? The general rule of thumb is to tip 20% of the total cost. (For discounts would tip according to the non-discounted rate.) 

While tipping is not expected, it is lovely and encouraging for the therapist. It lets them know their abilities and time are appreciated and valued.   

Monday, June 2, 2014

Places I love (and would kind of like to be at right now)

The Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis are absolutely lovely. I could spend hours just wandering around or finding a nice quite place to sit and enjoy. 

Next is Ha Ha Tonka. It's a small state park near Lake of the Ozarks. The hiking trails are peaceful and it's a good way to get away for a day. 

Oh, and it's the park where we got our dog. She was a little six week old, four pound puppy. We couldn't say no. She is no longer four pounds... but still really cute. 

The Badlands. Pictures cannot capture the full impact. 

The Rockies. Because they are breathtaking and beautiful!

Lake Superior - North Shore of Minnesota. This particular shot it taken from Split Rock Lighthouse. There are many state parks, hiking trails and beauteous areas up there.  

There are many more places I love visiting but that would take way more than just one blog post. Perhaps I'll do a second part soon. 
Safe travels to anyone setting out on summer excursions. Perhaps one of these places will make your list.