Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Take a deep, slow breath

I continue to find it amazing how underestimated breathing is. It has an incredible impact on one's body, mind, and dare I say spirit. Sometimes all it takes to release stress it taking a few deep breaths. Just breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Actually focus on the feeling of the air entering your body. Feel it fill up your lungs and, if it helps, imagine the yucky stuff of the day, the stress, exiting the body when you blow the air out. People might find this a little too new age or whatever. But what it comes down to is this: breathing is a necessary action for your body. We all know this, but do we really think about it? It's an action that happens without thought. When you are stressed it affects how you breath and thus, intake oxygen. Taking the time to reset your breathing can help the body to release some tension and let you breath more naturally. It also helps to just not think about whatever is stressing you out. Taking a step back and breathing can be the best thing to do at times. It's helpful even when not stressed. It's a good way to just... be.