Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Day!

     Over this past weekend I decided to bite the bullet and paint my office. I was putting it off because... well it's kind of a pain. But, I did it and I think my office looks pretty nice. I don't have any pictures from the before. It didn't look "bad" per say, but not exactly nice. My office was used as a storage room for some time before I came in. Basically the walls were a rather bland cream-ish color that I think is universal for rental agencies. There were scuff marks, scratches, and places where the coat underneath (possibly a dark blue) showed through. It just didn't feel very... put together. Saturday I cleaned the walls, taped around the trim, etc. You know, all the fun pre-painting set up. I vainly hoped one coat would do, but no such luck. Monday I painted the second coat and cleaned up. 
       I was supposed to work today (not at my office but another job) but, I got a call around 9 saying they would be closing at noon due to the rather unpleasant weather. Thus, SNOW DAY! So I decided I would go and put my office back together. 
       As with painting it, it took longer than I planned. 
       I walked to my office, which according to googlemaps, is a whopping .8 miles from our home. The neighborhoods looks quite picturesque with all the snow. Note the difference between my walk TO my office and my walk FROM my office. 

         Footprints in freshly fallen snow always seem a little forlorn to me. 

     Here is my office after the paint job, but before being set up. My prep work pretty much meant shoving as much furniture and gear into the closet as would possibly fit. 

     I have to say I'm impressed with myself. I am not known as a tidy painter. So the fact the carpet and trim made in through the process unscathed was a miracle. I can't say the same for my clothes though. 
  But here is the (mostly) finished product!

      Now for the walk home. 

                    39th Street was pretty much shut down. 

                          A random little tree. 

  The weather really doesn't stop the mail. He seemed happy enough to be whistling so I guess that's good.

      So that was my snow day. Nothing terribly exciting, but it was nice to get things a bit more finished. I hope you all had a chance to have a safe and warm day!

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