Monday, November 24, 2014

Thankfulness List

               A Thankfulness List: 

     To celebrate Thanksgiving I figured I'd write up a little list of things I am Thankful for. 

       1. Family and friends - They are group of people with amazing talents. Artists, musicians, scholars, writers, and so on. They are all a little crazy in their own ways. They are people who support me and keep me from driving myself completely insane. They put up with all my little (and not so little) quirks. My husband appreciates my nerdy sense of humor and my growing collection of books. 

       2. My dog. She is essentially my child. There is something about a being that loves you without reserve. Her excitement at seeing me when I've been gone for a few days - it is downright adorable. 

        3. Music. Music is a huge part of my life. A favorite thing to do at home, usually before bedtime, was to put on a record and dance around the living room. One of our most favorite albums was Herbie Mann at the Village Gate. (Tried to post a link, but I couldn't get it to work for some reason)
        4. Reading. My parents read to us almost every night. I loved diving into different worlds. I fell in love with the Odyssey in second grade (as stated, I have quirks). An author's ability to spin a tale that transforms the way you view things is a mighty ability. Books became indispensable friends. My way to escape the daily grind is to open a book and read. Give me a good book and a cup of tea and I am a happy camper. 
        5. Eating delicious food. Kansas City has some mighty tasty places to eat.
Eden Alley, Sama Zama, McCoy's, Spin Pizza, The Mixx... mmm I am making myself hungry thinking about them. Also, I just haven't had breakfast yet so that doesn't help.  
          Those are a few things I am grateful for. To me, Thanksgiving is about spending time with the people who matter. It is about being together as a community to share in good food, conversation, and stories. May blessings abound this year. I hope soon, that everyone will have a place at someone's table. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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